Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Illustration Friday: Primitive Nerd

I am sure that in the halls of prehistoric therapod high school, T-rex never dreamed he would grow up to become the legend he is today. Its hard enough having extreme hormonal carnivorous thoughts at that age, much less the smallest biceps in the whole junior class.

This is just a little exercise I was trying to use 1. to refresh myself away from all the "real" work I am doing currently, and 2. to see if I could paint something decent digitally in under an hour. ....3 hours later I went to save my cute little dino, and photoshop just turned off! Just my luck... 2 more hours later, here he is back in full glory. And better than the last one at that.


Vhrsti said...

Amazing work! Love the colors and his expression!

San said...

nice palette, very cool. :)

Josh (musarter) said...

Great work for 1, no 2, no 3 hours. Great idea too.

Tom Barrett said...

You didn't save it for 3 hours! Wow! I have that habit as well... get so involved in the project you forget to save. On one hand I guess it stinks you lost all that work and time, but on the other, you got a better piece in the second version.

Looks great!

Eric Barclay said...

This is awesome! Love the tape on the glasses and the attitude.

Lincoln and Alisia said...

Holy freaking cow! I didn't realize how amazing your talent has developed into! You are incredible! I love this blog!