Thursday, May 26, 2011

Now that's a good way to die

Portrait created from 13,138 dice

Found via Man Made DIY, blogger Chris Gardner explains it best himself:

Subversive artist and designer Tobias Wong died last summer, at the young age of 35. Or, 13,138 days. To celebrate his friend, artist Fredrick Swain created Die, a portrait of Wong using 13,138 dice. He says, "The idea of a die itself was appropriate—the randomness of life. It felt like [a medium] he would use. Because [Tobias] was a very street-level force, I thought it was appropriate [to install] the portrait on the floor. Its not something I wanted to suspend on the wall; I wanted it to be right there on the floor where you almost interact with it.The idea of every decision you make and everything you've done in your life, defines who you are. All of those days symbolically makes up the image of Tobi."

No freakin' way. People are so awesome and creative. Let the die puns ensue!

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