Friday, December 17, 2010

This is the Christ - Book Promotion for Pops

So this is my dad. He is a pretty awesome writer. Pretty awesome as in REALLY awesome.
He is a really great dad too. We like him a lot in our family.

He just released a new book this fall entitled, This is the Christ which is an beautiful text about Christ with illustrations by Carl Bloch. And if you don't know who Carl Bloch is, well he is the man when it comes to paintings of religious work. And he was Danish which means a lot to my Danish blooded ancestors I am sure. Maybe we are related. I pretend sometimes anyways.

Woman at the Well - Carl Bloch

So, back to the main topic. If you need a good present this year I highly suggesting purchasing his book!
Also there is a wonderful exhibit down at the BYU Museum of Art of work by Carl Bloch that would be a perfect activity to accompany your gift.

The book can be purchased at any of these lovely retailers:

Deseret Book: $19.79
Seagull Book and Tape: $16.49
Boyd's LDS Books: $19.99
Your local Costco

I hear he is doing book signings soon at Costco. I'll update the post when I find out.

Oh and while I am shamelessly in promotion mode you should also check out his other book Symbols in Stone. It's a personal favorite of mine :)

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