Monday, March 2, 2009

IF: Breezy

What's better than a warm breezy firefly filled night? Nothing. That's what. I have never actually seen a firefly in person and am dying too...


MenacingTourist said...

Nice work.
You would have fit right in with the illustrators from the Waterford Institute. Most of them came out of BYU. Maybe it's a regional thing. Whatever the case, for a student you pretty much rock.

MrBibleHead said...

Wow! great job. I'm in Chicago. The fireflies fill the night around here beginning in June. You captured them perfectly.

Kristin W. said...

Cool pic! I used to catch fireflies in my hands all the time in Wisconsin. They are pretty cool especially when they keep flashing on and off and you try and follow them.

Tom Barrett said...

Great illustration! We used to chase them at my great grandfather's house when I was younger. Miss those days!

We see them occasionally in summer here. Like Kristin says, it is fun to try and follow them as they turn on and off.

INDIGENE said...

Wow, this is an amazing illustration!

Cheryl said...

Awesome rendering!

Putri Purnamasari said...

i wish i could take you to my place.
i often saw them near my place, hiding between grass.

so beautiful :)

Unknown said...

Lovely! The deep colors are gorgeous and I love fireflies! Really neat work :)

life without novacaine said...

Beautiful illo! I've always wanted to see a real live firefly myself. Being from southern california, I don't think that will be happening soon.
Lovely job with this topic!

Rachel said...

Fireflies are crazy. I freaked out when i first saw them here in New York. I thought I was seeing things. They are the ugliest little bugs but they really do make a night magical.

kmcbeth said...

You've never seen a firefly? That is too bad. One summer my family traveled across the states, and I went to NY. There were a lot of fireflies there. Really cool. I am loving your work, you are amazing!